Sunday, August 18, 2013

Williams Gift

I always knew what I wanted to be. 
I think I knew it before I was three.
An aspiration not typical at all 
To a foreordained mission I was called.

I practiced with any chance that I could see
To rock and sing and nurse someone in need
I watched and carefully observed
The attributes I saw from those who served.

I was surprised that I felt so unworthy
when the doctor finally handed him to me
I had prepared but never quite understood
The precious charge that now before me stood.

In that moment life forever changed for me
I now saw Motherhood as a sacred duty.
A trust to teach him of gods eternal plan
And how great is the worth of the soul of a man

A destiny of worth and nobility.
A path that leads towards charity
To give your life, your energy and time
For someone else whom you know is Divine

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cinnamon's July

Nobility in Motherhood

There is a queen who wears a crown that shines;
Its jewels are sparkles in her children's eyes.
Her shoes were made to walk a thousand roads
To see her sons and daughters safely home.
Her robes were woven each day thread on thread
With acts of love and service as she lead.
Her fingers glitter with a diamond spray
Made from the glint of tears she's wiped away.
Her throat bears a cascade of priceless worth
Made of the times she heard her children's mirth.
Her left hand holds a book of truths she's lived
And taught and hopes her children honor give.           
Her right hand wields a sword to fight the dark
Lest demons on her loved ones make a mark.
Her countenance shines with a strength within
Born of the knowledge that with Christ she'll win.
At her side there is a king who is the One.       
He is her love, hero and paladin.

To be this woman's where my heart is bent,
To wear those robes, her gems, my ornament.

July's topic, (Dianne)

Nobility in motherhood,
Joy in womanhood

From the Relief Society theme.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ode to the Sun

The sun shines so majestically
So glorious and bright
It's a testament to god
A creation to delight

On a cold winter day 
My sunny window beckons
My chair and a good book
Impossible to improve on...

Then springtime comes 
And I can hardly describe the glee
The sun feels like magic
When it thaws the winter freeze

But then why oh why 
Do we have to endure the stare 
from the summers unending 
Terrible and torturous glare

But every October 
The leaves turn to yellow
And we thank the sun
That its heat finally mellowed 

One season of the year
That's all that we ask
To calm that heat that comes
With summers hot blast

By Bonnie Walker

I'm following Cinnamon's Majestic Creation :)


Clean and pack and work and sweat
Drive and shop but not there yet
Ascend too quickly at end of the day
Steep narrow switchbacks and frightening way

The pines so amazingly thick and so high
Towers of evergreens tickling the sky
The scent is a rapture of familiar joy.
A timeless memory when you were a boy

The Flies and mosquitoes, the  smoke and  the dirt
Black dirty smudges on each childs shirt
Outhouses distant and gross and so smelly
Junkfood and fried food to mess up your belly

The ATVs creaking on hazardous turns
The dust in your nose and your eyes always burns
The drop-offs petrify all of your senses
Your body is beatup and bruised no pretenses

You sweep up each morning and cannot believe
How much dirt and wrappers that little ones leave
The showers too narrow, the beds in the corner
Reading by flashlight to the buzz of the hornet

You always examine your drink for a bee
And blow the ashes from your eggs jubilee
Smashed PBJs and crumbly chips
Each dusty licorice strip growing your hips

Skip Bo, phase 10, speed game of dice
Yatzee, and pinochle, Scum more than twice
Hula Hoop contests and games in the night
Scary tales told by the dim firelight

Sticky burnt Marshmellows, dogs on a stick
Fishing at daylight, with worms that you’ve digged
Napping at noon in your favorite camp chair
Hanging with loved ones you hold so dear

Camping is costy and takes so much effort
Next year perhaps we will skip this adventure
But don’t ask the kids when its all said and done
They’ll want to go camping, its too darn much fun.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Cinnamon's June Poem

So, an ode is supposed to be in praise of something. I was totally planning on writing something profound and majestic. That's not exactly how it turned out...


You showed up one day looking hungry
And hot and thirsty to boot. 
I gave you some water,
You became a squatter,
And all 'cause I thought you were cute. 

You rub up against my ankles,
Like you have some claim on my heart. 
I may overrate you
And try not to hate you
But only when we are apart. 

When I'm in the garden you stalk me.
You pounce on me under the trees
I try to act cool
But you're playing the fool
And your dander is making me sneeze.

You fight every night for my glory.
Machismo echoes through the air.
Would you still do it                           
And put yourself throughout it            
If you knew that I really don't care?

Somehow you've mistaken my kindness
For affection and fidelity.
So it's time that you know,
When we first said hello,
I thought that you were a she.

I trip over you when I go out.
Your hair's my new accessory.
How do I tell you, 
I wish I could sell you
When I know that there's no one but me?

I'm leaving you, cat.  It's over.
I won't bother saying goodbye.
Even if I said it, 
I don't think you'd get it,
And you might expect me to cry. 

So go find another softie.
There are many, I hear, in Quebec.
No regrets and no tears,
Your yowl hurts my ears.
Just don't be here when I get back. 

Topic for June, 2013

Another Summer, another opportunity to use those long days to be creative.
June's topic:  An Ode to something in nature.